25+ Years Experience


Electronic Monitoring Services

CCTV Electronic Monitoring Security Systems


Our line of HD, infrared night vision cameras include commercial-grade hardware, Video Analytics, and Visual Verification, all controlled through the monitoring stations app.

The video recording would be saved to an online portal that can be accessed immediately and viewed live 24/7, or at a later date. Supervisors of the monitored individual will also be alerted by a text, e-mail, or push notification.


Ankle Monitoring and Electronic Monitoring in Canada

Want someone released from jail on bail (or from an immigration hold)? Tell your lawyer to call us toll free at 1-888-850-9691 for information info on ankle and electronic monitoring equipment available in Canada.

Contacting us at Tratek Systems in Canada or the US is Easy

Telephone: 604.820.7754
Toll Free Phone: 888.850.9691 
e-mail address: info@tratek.ca

Serving Clients in Canada and the United States of America

Electronic monitoring is a no cost issue for the taxpayer and can even save your community the costs of incarceration. We accept all major credit cards including all bank cards. Copyright (c) Tratek 2023.